Why Give?

At First Baptist Chipley we consider it an honor to give as an expression of worship.
We believe it is important to give: so that we can continue to move forward in all areas of ministry and service; so that we may always make a great impact on our community as the Kingdom of God; and because it is commanded of us in God’s Word and honors Him when we attempt to accomplish our goal to “Give Ourselves Away.”
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:7–8
Giving Options
Other Ways to Give
Miscellaneous Gifts
Not all gifts come in the form of money! You may have items that you are interested in donating to the church. For more information about giving non-traditional gifts, such as vehicles, jewelry, stocks, bonds, etc., please call or email Executive Pastor Bobby Pletcher.
Charitable Designation
You can designate First Baptist Chipley as the beneficiary of your estate/will or add it to your retirement plan as a Qualified Charitable Distribution. Please contact, call or email Executive Pastor Bobby Pletcher.
Hope For Generations

This is our church-wide initiative dedicated to eliminating our building debt, stemming from our facility expansion in 2017. This expansion was driven by our growing faith family and limited space. Retiring this debt will empower us to expand our ministry outreach further both locally and globally. Join us in prayerful consideration, whether through a one-time gift or monthly commitment, as we aim to retire our debt by Spring 2025.
To learn more about “Hope for Generations” please contact the church office. To give, please designate your gift to the “Building Fund” or to “Hope for Generations”