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Connect Groups

Connect Groups

We believe the key to a large church is small groups.

At FBC, we call them Connect Groups! Connect Groups allow you to be part of a biblical community, help you grow spiritually with others, and offer accountability and encouragement. If you’re not part of a Connect Group, we would love for you to visit one!

9:00am Adults

Room 29 | Coed Age 18-25

Mark & Hannah Brock

Our Christian walk is personal, but it should never be private. God has called us to live life with one another. Through community, we can encourage each other. Our group creates an environment where real-life conversations can be had. We do a deep dive into the Scriptures from Pastor Mike’s current message, allowing time for questions and discussions with leaders and fellow members. This group is for college students and young professionals in the workforce. Join us for meaningful discussions, fellowship, and spiritual growth.

About Mark & Hannah

Mark and Hannah Brock began attending FBC in 2009. They have three children and have served in both the FBC Kids and FBC Students ministries. They hope to foster the sense of community they’ve experienced at FBC over the years among our young adults and college students.

Room 5 | Coed Age 25-40

Caleb Duncan

About the Group

We are a mixture of young adults, some married, some with kids, and some singles. We dig into God’s word each week through sermon-based discussion, and make practical applications to each of our lives through marriage, parenting, relationships, or our careers. We encourage life-on-life friendships with one another and have gatherings throughout the year.

About Caleb

Caleb serves as a Mission Strategist for the West Florida Baptist Association, and has been leading this connect group since 2021. He and Jennifer have been married for 8 years and have two children, Hunt and Hope.

Room 4 | Coed Age 25-60

Herbert & Paula Foskey

About the Group

The Outdoor Connect group is a group of adults who love the outdoors and the outdoor lifestyle.  We take the message of Christ and attempt to reach people who may not normally come to a large church by introducing them to the outdoors and including them in outdoor events while being intentional with the message of Christ.  The weekly lesson mostly follows the sermon series introduced by our pastor leaders through group discussions and video lessons with application to daily life.  There is not a defined age for this group as outdoorsmen and women come in all ages.

About Herbert & Paula

Herbie and Paula are both retired from the State of Florida.  They live in the Bethlehem community.  They have 3 grown sons and 2 grandchildren and one on the way. They are avid outdoor enthusiasts who love Jesus and have a passion to share Him with others.  They have been leading the Outdoor Connect Group for the past three years and help lead the Outdoor Ministry at FBC.

Room 55 | Coed Age 30-50

Brandon Biddle

About the Group

I lead our connect group weekly in a sermon based discussion. During this discussion I discuss the main points of the sermon from the previous week. We then as a class discuss how we can apply the points to our daily life as we pursue holiness. To be very honest, I challenge our class each week to not just check off the box of church, but rather to be the church daily in our homes, workplaces and in the other activities that we are involved in. Our class is loud, fun and engaging. We have a diverse group of ages ranging from young married couples to grandparents. A lot of us play music or sing in the choir. We are a family! We pray together, we study the word together, we eat together, we have disagreements and sometimes we cry together. I truly love how our group loves on each other and how they step up when someone has a need. I really love how they serve our local church on Sundays and Wednesday nights. If you want to grow deeper in God’s word, and not worry about “fitting in”, we have a seat for you!!!

About Brandon

Brandon is married to his wife Sarah. They have two wonderful children, Bradley (9) and Margaret (6).  Brandon is active in our faith family and serves as a deacon, plays the drums for both services, and just recently surrendered to a call of ministry. Brandon is currently taking classes online at the Baptist University of Florida and walking in faith with Christ.

Room 51 | Coed Age 30-50

Norman Wells

About the Group

Our class is made up of a mixture of mostly married couples and ranges from early 30’s to early 50’s.  We are discussion based and enjoy going through the previous week’s sermon to further glean understanding and application.  Life and following Christ has its ups and downs and it’s comforting to have a group to walk and grow together with.  We desire to serve others and show the love of Christ to a hurting world. 

About Norman

Norman has been married to his wife Lynn for nearly 30 years. They have two adult children and have served as leaders in this Adult Connect Group since 2012.  Prior to that, Norman had the privilege of serving as Youth Group and Children’s Church leader at other area churches.  He fully understands that God has given him these opportunities as a form of growth and accountability in his own life, and he enjoys seeing the fruits that God has so richly allowed. Norman’s teaching style is expository, applicable and laidback.  Come as you are!

Room 27 | Ladies Age 30-50

Deann Pletcher

About the Group

This group is a multigenerational community of ladies doing life together. We love learning from and encouraging one another through various seasons of life, including singleness, single-again, motherhood, parenting adult children as well as caring for aging parents. We use a discussion-based curriculum to dig into God’s Word and allow God’s Word to affect change in our lives. Every encounter with God should cause change in you! We desire to love our precious Savior more and more every day by encouraging daily, personal times with Him. It is a joy to come together each week and hear how God has worked in the lives of individuals and to share how He has responded to our deepest, heartfelt prayers.  We laugh together, cry together but most importantly, come together each week to disciple one another in our desire to become more like Christ.

About Deann

Deann is married to Bobby Pletcher and they have two adult children. Deann loved raising her children and now enjoys a beautiful adult relationship with them but has discovered that grandparenting is the best thing ever! Deann is the director for the West Florida Pregnancy and Family Center (Hope for Hearts) here in Chipley. Deann’s calling has always been to disciple women of all ages and in all seasons of life. She has facilitated and led a variety of Connect Groups, Bible studies and Dgroups for about 35 years. Deann loves discussion and this is reflected in her relaxed style of teaching.

Room 20 | Ladies Age 50-60

Murnice Woodham

Our Women’s Bible Study Group is dedicated to delving into God’s Word and applying its teachings to our daily lives. The group welcomes women primarily in their 50s to 60s, creating an environment for fellowship and spiritual growth. Each Sunday, we discuss the current sermon in further detail, allowing time for questions and discussions with leaders and fellow members. Join us for enriching conversations and deeper connections in faith.

Room 19 | Coed Age 45-60

Terry Ellis

This is a Couples’ Bible Study Group that is dedicated to delving into God’s Word and applying its teachings to our daily lives. Welcoming couples primarily in their 40s to 60s, we create an environment for shared spiritual growth and fellowship. Each Sunday, we discuss the current sermon in further detail, allowing time for questions and discussions with leaders and fellow members. Throughout the year, we offer opportunities for fellowship and group service projects. Join us for great conversations, community, and growth in faith together.

Room 12 | Coed Age 40-66

Willard "Coach" Whitcomb

Welcoming couples primarily in their 40s to 60s, we create an environment for shared spiritual growth and fellowship. Each Sunday, we discuss the current sermon in further detail, allowing time for questions and discussions with leaders and fellow members.

9:00am Students

Room 1 | 7th - 8th Grade Ladies

Ashley Mattox & Lucinda Castells

Our group is here to help middle school girls grow in faith and navigate life’s ups and downs. Each week, we dive into the Sunday message, discussing how to apply it to real-life situations. We tackle tough topics with grace, aiming to develop Christ-like responses. Each girl will be encouraged and equipped with God’s Word, empowering her to live a life that honors Him. We’re committed to fostering a supportive community where each girl can thrive and shine as a light in this world.

Room 3 | 9th-12th Grade Ladies

Savannah McCoy

About the Group

We are a group of high school girls who get together and discuss the previous Sunday’s message. We talk about challenging subjects that plague our world today and how we as followers of Christ can respond in a Christ-like manner. You will be encouraged and fed by the Word to actively pursue holiness. Our desire is to be salt  and light in this world and to remain faithful to Christ.

About Savannah

Savannah McCoy is a stay-at-home mom of 3 babies. She has been married to Brock (student pastor) for 4 years. She’s been saved for 13 years and has been teaching this class for a year now. She has a strong desire to teach this next generation of girls to become strong women of God who stand firm in their faith amidst the pressures of the world.

Room 6 | 7th-8th Grade Guys

Heath Riley

About the Group

The 7th & 8th Grade Guys Connect Group is a classroom setting with teaching from a leader and co-leader that includes time for interactive discussion. This Connect Group digs into God’s Word using the previous week’s sermon as a guide. We take a deep dive into the Scripture and the main points used during each week’s sermon. Each week we seek to grow in our understanding of Scripture and learn ways God’s Word can be applied to our everyday lives.

About Heath

Heath has been employed with the Florida Department of Transportation for about 20 years. He is married to Danielle and they have four children. He has previously served in the Children’s Ministry in a variety of roles and now serves in the Student Ministry. For the last several years he has been a Connect Group leader in the Children’s Ministry and now the Student Ministry. He also currently serves as a D Group leader and a small group leader in the Student Ministry on Wednesday nights. Heath has a passion for God’s Word and teaching it to others.

Room 2 | 9th-12th Grade Guys

Lance Bush

About the Group

We are a class of high school guys that study the sermon that was preached the week before. We often study the life of Jesus as He set the example of how we are to live our life as young men.

About Lance

Lance is an employee of Guettler & Guettler, Inc. He has been married to Chelsea for ten years and they have two kids, Ella Mae and JB. Lance has been an active member at FBC Chipley for 34 years.

10:30am Adults

Fellowship Hall | Coed Age 40-70

David Hilton

About the Group

This group is made up of couples (60+) with some younger and some individuals. Each Sunday we begin with fellowship (coffee and sweets) and prayer – praises and concerns. There is a group discussion of that morning’s sermon followed by a Bible study from the Explore the Bible seasonal studies. The group plans work days and events for good food and fellowship outside of the Sunday meeting times. Join us this Sunday.

About David

David is a retired Professor and Dean from Chipola College. He and Renea just celebrated their 40th anniversary and have enjoyed leading Connect/Sunday School groups for most of that time. They also served as huddle leaders for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Cottondale HS and Chipola College for more than 25 years. They have one son and daughter-in-law (and 2 grand-dogs) living in Tallahassee.

Room 51 | Coed Age 60-70

Brett Prichard

Our Couples’ Bible Study Group is dedicated to delving into God’s Word and applying its teachings to our daily lives. Welcoming couples primarily in their 60s to 70s, we create an environment for shared spiritual growth and fellowship. We use Explore the Bible, which provides book-by-book Bible studies. Each session takes participants deep into Scripture, revealing the context essential to understanding the text’s original intent, and promoting transformation through God’s Word in everyday life. Join us for enriching discussions and spiritual growth together.

Fellowship Hall | Coed Age 70-90

Thomas Porter

We are a couples class (although we do have a few singles) of more than sixty members. Most members are in their seventies, but we do have a few in their sixties, a few in their eighties and even fewer in their nineties. We use Baptist literature in the “Explore the Bible” series. Each quarter we systematically study through a segment of the Bible. This is usually from one Book of the Bible.

Our teaching style is lecture, with ample time for questions or discussion. There is usually at least one humorous story per Sunday. We use PowerPoint and also broadcast on Zoom for those who aren’t able to attend in person. Sometimes members join by Zoom when traveling out of the local area.

More than ninety percent of our members are computer savvy to the point that we communicate by text or email. Those who don’t use these methods aren’t left out. They are contacted by phone, and if necessary by a home visit. Every absentee is contacted each week, usually by text on Sunday afternoon. This isn’t as much about holding members accountable as it is to be sure they are okay. As the TV ad says, “An accident can turn into a tragedy” in a few hours with people in our age group. We have periodic socials, where we get together for food, fun and fellowship.

Room 25 | Ladies Age 40-70

Carol Kreis

About the Group

This is a small group of mature adult women. Our members teach and/or serve in other ministries within our church. All ages of adult women are invited to join us. We study the Word of God from the Explore the Bible Series of literature. We enjoy a time of fellowship and studying God’s Word together. The Bible Study is teacher-led with some group discussions.

About Carol

Carol Kreis facilitates in teaching this class for most of the women in this class can lead or teach also. She has been married to Frank for 32 years and together they have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. They enjoy serving the Lord together. Carol enjoys studying and teaching the Word of God especially to tell the Gospel Message about Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. She has mostly taught children and students and is privileged to be teaching this group of mature women.

Room 54 | Ladies Age 60-90

Lota Kay Braxton

Our Women’s Bible Study Group is dedicated to delving into God’s Word and applying its teachings to our daily lives. The group welcomes women primarily in their 70s to 90s. We use Explore the Bible, which provides book-by-book Bible studies. Each session takes participants deep into Scripture, revealing the context essential to understanding the text’s original intent and promoting transformation through God’s Word in everyday life. Join us for enriching discussions and spiritual growth.

Room 52 | Ladies Age 70-85

Pat Owens

Our Women’s Bible Study Group is dedicated to delving into God’s Word and applying its teachings to our daily lives. The group welcomes women primarily in their 70s to 80s. We use Explore the Bible, which provides book-by-book Bible studies. Each session takes participants deep into Scripture, revealing the context essential to understanding the text’s original intent and promoting transformation through God’s Word in everyday life. Join us for enriching discussions and spiritual growth.

Room 53 | Ladies Age 70-90

Anita Young

Our Women’s Bible Study Group is dedicated to delving into God’s Word and applying its teachings to our daily lives. The group welcomes women primarily in their 70s – 90s, creating an environment for fellowship and spiritual growth. We use Bible Studies for Life lessons every Sunday, offering ample time for questions, discussions, and support among members. 

Room 22 | Men Age 60-80

Denny Wood

About the Group

This class presently consists of men single and married, ranging from age 50 to 80, but it’s not age restrictive. Most are retired, but a few are still gainfully employed (again no restrictions).  Weekly studies are from “Explore the Bible” literature which allows time to slowly walk through one book of the Old or New Testament for 13 consecutive studies, while giving ample time to better understand the author’s intent and build on those principles every week, and then move on to another book.  Teaching style is maximized to understand God’s Holy Word and how it applies to our lives.  We often dig deep into the Scriptures for the true meaning God intended, and then discovering multiple applications to our personal life & times.  If you like to study God’s Word or if you would like to learn more, you will fit right in.

About Denny

Denny is a retired engineer, married to his wife for 52 years, the father of 2 adult children, and has been a member of FBC Chipley for over 60 years.  He’s taught 7th & 8th grade boys in times past and adult men for 25+ years.  He’s been a Deacon for over 40 years.  He’s also an active member of The Gideons International. He loves the Lord, His people, and His Word.

Room 55 | Men 70-90

Tommy Adams

Our Men’s Bible Study Group is committed to delving into God’s Word and applying its teachings to our daily lives. Designed for men in their 70s to 90s, this group fosters fellowship and spiritual growth. We use Bible Studies for Life lessons every Sunday, providing ample time for questions, discussions, and mutual support among members.

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